Research Article

Gene Expression Changes Induced by Trypanosoma cruzi Shed Microvesicles in Mammalian Host Cells: Relevance of tRNA-Derived Halves

Figure 1

Production of extracellular vesicles by T. cruzi and time-course analysis of the uptake of EVs cargo by HeLa cells. (a) Left: scanning electron microscopy of T. cruzi epimastigotes showing a parasite with vesicles emerging from the flagellum and the cell body. Right: representative micrograph of purified EVs fraction assessed by transmission electron microscopy. ((b)-(c)) FISH for 5′ halves of to monitor the incorporation of EVs cargo by HeLa cells exposed to 300 ng of EVs fraction at different times (b) and HeLa cells exposed to different concentrations of EVs ranging from 0 to 600 ng for two hours.