Research Article

MPINet: Metabolite Pathway Identification via Coupling of Global Metabolite Network Structure and Metabolomic Profile

Figure 2

Validation of bias in metabolite pathway identification based on 101 pathways with more than five metabolites each. (a) The proportion of metabolites in the profile plotted against the mean GN score in a bin of 400 metabolites in the global human metabolite network across the three profiles. (b) The proportion of differential metabolites plotted across the three disease datasets. (c) Cumulative distribution of number of pathways associated with metabolites at a given GN score level. (d) Frequency of mean GN scores of metabolites in pathways. (e) values for two-sided Wilcoxon’s rank-sum test comparing the GN score of metabolites in the given pathway with that of the overall metabolites. (f) Scatter plot of pathway value distributions. values were calculated by one-sided Wilcoxon’s rank-sum test comparing GN scores of metabolites in a given pathway with overall metabolites.