Research Article

An Evaluation of 3-Rhamnosylquercetin, a Glycosylated Form of Quercetin, against the Myotoxic and Edematogenic Effects of sPLA2 from Crotalus durissus terrificus

Figure 3

Structural representation of Q bound to sPLA2 from docking simulations. (a) shows a cartoon representation of the sPLA2 structure. quercetin is shown in a stick representation, and the Ca2+ ion is represented as a blue sphere. (b) shows the quercetin molecule and its main amino acid interactions. (c) shows a surface representation of sPLA2 bound to a quercetin molecule (stick representation). (d) shows the dot representation of the Quercetin molecule in the bound position. Two amino acid residues (Asp49 and His48) from sPLA2 are represented as sticks.