Review Article

Epigenetic Control of Autophagy by MicroRNAs in Ovarian Cancer

Table 3

Genes coding for proteins involved in the autophagy pathway identified as targets of the microRNA involved in the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition process in ovarian cancer (miRanda release, August 2010; TargetScan release 6.2.).

(involved in EMT)
Predicted gene(s)
involved in autophagy
FunctionTarget prediction

hsa-miR 200a
ATG7 A ubiquitin-activating (E1) enzyme homolog that activates both ATG8/LC3 and ATG12YesYes
PTEN Protein/lipid phosphatase that reduces the level of PIP3, thus limiting the activation of AKTYesYes
TSC1 Tuberose Sclerosis Complex component that negatively regulates mTORYesYes

hsa-miR 29cATG14L A component of the class III PtdIns 3-kinase complexNoYes
PTEN Protein/lipid phosphatase that reduces the level of PIP3, thus limiting the activation of AKTYesYes

hsa-miR-101MTOR Mammalian target of rapamycin (kinase) component of MTORC1 (that inhibits autophagy) and of MTORC2 (that phosphorylates Akt)NoYes
RAB5A Endocytic vesicle associated ras-homolog GTPase
(involved in autophagosome formation)


hsa-miR-128PDK1 Kinase that phosphorylates AKT in Thr308YesYes
TSC1 Tuberose Sclerosis Complex component that negatively regulates mTORYesYes