Research Article

Functional Analyses of c.2268dup in Thyroid Peroxidase Gene Associated with Goitrous Congenital Hypothyroidism

Table 1

(a) HSF analyses showing a summary of HSF matrices for potential splice sites, (b) ESE finder matrices for SRp40, SC35, SF2/ASF, and SRp55 proteins, (c) ESE finder matrices for ESE proteins.

Nucleotide positionSplice site typeMotifNew potential splice siteConsensus value (0–100)

−46AcceptorcttttctcgtagttcttttctcgtagTT83.99 (CT)
−12AcceptorcacatttcatagACcacatttcatagAC76.12 (WT)
169DonorAAGgtcagtAAGgtcagt94.02 (WT)

CT: cryptic site; WT: wild type.

Nucleotide positioncDNA positionLinked SR proteinReference motif Variation*

51c.2267SRp40TGTGAGG Site broken
52c.2268SF2/ASFGTGAGGASite broken
53c.2269SRp55TGAGGASite broken

Variation expresses the difference between reference and mutant values. Wild-type value is taken as a reference.

Nucleotide positioncDNA positionLinked ESE proteinReference motif Variation*

52c.22689G8GTTGAGNew site

Variation expresses the difference between reference and mutant values. Wild-type value is taken as a reference.