Research Article

Assessment of DNA Damage and Telomerase Activity in Exfoliated Urinary Cells as Sensitive and Noninvasive Biomarkers for Early Diagnosis of Bladder Cancer in Ex-Workers of a Rubber Tyres Industry

Table 2

Distribution of studied subjects for age, smoking habits, alcohol intake, drug assumptions, dietary, and statistical analysis of differences.

VariableModalityEx-exposed group
( )
Control group
( )
Statistical significance of differences among groups value

Age (years)60 ± 12
Mean ± SD
57 ± 12
Mean ± SD
Mann Whitney test

SmokingNonsmokers7952Chi square test
(8 missing exposed)Ex-smokers3717
2 missing controlsSmokers3526

Recent drugs intakeNo12788Chi square test
(1 missing exposed)Yes319

Diagnostic radiation exposure in the last six monthsNo12065Chi square test

Alcohol assumptionNo510Chi square test
(15 missing exposed)Sometime2446
6 missing controlsYes11535

Dietary habit (fruits and vegetables intake)Sometime7734Chi square test
(1 missing exposed)Often 5349
3 missing controlsUsually2811

Dietary habit (grilled and smoked food intake)Sometime2443Chi square test
(3 missing exposed)Often7839
3 missing controlsUsually5412