Research Article

Alcohol Induced Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress and Alveolar Macrophage Dysfunction

Figure 6

EtOH disrupted AM phagocytosis. Cultured MH-S cells were either untreated (none) or EtOH treated (5d, 0.2%, ). During the last 24 hr of EtOH treatment, mitoT was also added to some cells. Cells were then incubated with pHrodo Red S. aureus bioparticles conjugate for 2 hr before FACS analysis. Flow cytometry histogram of MH-S cells treated with S. aureus bioparticles conjugate uptake (a). Mean fluorescence intensity of pHrodo Red S. aureus bioparticles conjugate at each treatment condition (b). All values are expressed as mean ± SD and normalized to the untreated condition. for EtOH versus none and for EtOH versus EtOH + mitoT.