Research Article

Assessment of Antioxidant Activity of Spray Dried Extracts of Psidium guajava Leaves by DPPH and Chemiluminescence Inhibition in Human Neutrophils

Table 8

Analysis of the cytotoxicity of concentrated extract and spray dried extracts of Psidium guajava on stimulated neutrophils.

SamplesViable cells (%)c Trypan blueLDHd activity (U/mL)Liberated LDH (% positive control)e

Positive controla0.1516 (0.00)100
Negative controlb96.5 (0.71)0.0126 (0.01)8.40 (5.85)
DMSO control (0.2%)97.0 (0.71)0.0166 (0.002)11.10 (1.55)
Conc. Ext.94.00 (2.83)0.0137 (0.02)7.58 (8.76)
MA 8094.2 (3.18)0.0158 (0.01)10.53 (3.68)
MDEA 8096.7 (1.06)0.0153 (0.001)10.20 (0.47)
CD 8093.2 (1.06)0.0166 (0.00)11.07 (0.19)

Values are presented as the mean (standard deviation). a1 106 neutrophils/mL lysed with 0.2% Triton X-100; b1 106 neutrophils/mL incubated with Hanks; DMSO: solvent control; c% of viable cells, determined by Trypan blue exclusion assay, based on counts of 200 cells; dLDH enzyme activity, evaluated by the Liquiform (Labtest Diagnóstica) LDH kit; epercentage of LDH liberated in the supernatant compared with neutrophils completely lysed with Triton X-100.