Research Article

Expression of Neuroendocrine Markers in Different Molecular Subtypes of Breast Carcinoma

Table 2

Clinicopathologic features at presentation and follow-up data.

CaseAgeTumor size (mm)Multifocality (number of tumors)Lymphovascular invasionMetastasesFollow-up

15930NoNoBoneLocal relapse after 2 years; died of disease after 36 months

27735; 5Yes (2)YesAxillary lymph nodesDisease free after 3 years and then lost to follow-up

38327NoNoAxillary lymph nodesDisease free after 3 months and then lost to follow-up

48535; 7; 5Yes (3)YesAxillary lymph nodesSkin metastases after 4 months; died of disease after 15 months