Clinical Study

Treatment Outcomes in Patients with Internet Addiction: A Clinical Pilot Study on the Effects of a Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Program

Table 3

Changes in primary and secondary endpoints in the completers.

Endpoint variablePrescore completersPostscore completersSignificance

Symptoms of IA (AICA-S)12.1 (4.21)3.5 (3.71)
Hours spent online7.6 (3.95)2.6 (2.26)
Problems (total)3.7 (1.28)1.5 (1.73)
Problems in school/job1.2 (1.14)0.3 (0.45)
Financial problems0.1 (0.33)0.1 (0.27)Ns
Family conflicts0.8 (0.40)0.4 (0.50)
Health problems0.6 (0.50)0.3 (0.45)
Denial of recreational activities0.8 (0.40)0.4 (0.49)
Conflicts with friends0.7 (0.45)0.2 (0.40)
Self-efficacy expectancy25.7 (4.24)29.1 (4.38)
SCL: GSI0.7 (0.43)0.3 (0.29)
SCL: somatization0.4 (0.38)0.3 (0.30)Ns
SCL: obsessive-compulsive1.1 (0.70)0.5 (0.49)
SCL: social insecurity0.8 (0.57)0.4 (0.40)
SCL: depression1.1 (0.75)0.5 (0.52)
SCL: anxiousness0.5 (0.44)0.3 (0.25)
SCL: aggressiveness0.5 (0.54)0.2 (0.33)
SCL: phobic anxiety0.3 (0.31)0.1 (0.24)
SCL: paranoid ideation0.5 (0.49)0.3 (0.39)Ns
SCL: psychoticism0.5 (0.46)0.2 (0.24)
