Research Article

A Performance/Cost Evaluation for a GPU-Based Drug Discovery Application on Volunteer Computing

Table 5

Averaged power consumption in Watts when processing ligand A (l1c4), ligand B (2byr), and ligand C (3p4w) in a local machine with different Monte Carlo steps. The runtimes are shown in Table 3.

Steps GTX 465 GTX 480 GTX 590 Tesla C2070 Tesla K20

5 240.57 246.45 270.99 291.78 192.95
10 236.79 246.50 271.44 293.32 193.72
50 240.92 251.37 274.40 297.85 195.93
500 276.09 293.75 309.07 325.52 214.83
5000 312.79 351.90 355.19 357.10 245.57
50000 318.79 362.36 364.24 356.14 253.95