Research Article

A Disintegrin and Metalloproteinase 9 Is Involved in Ectodomain Shedding of Receptor-Binding Cancer Antigen Expressed on SiSo Cells

Figure 2

Analysis of apoptotic cell death induced in K562 cells. (a) K562 cell apoptosis was analyzed by flow cytometry. Increases in the annexin-V positive ratio were dependent on the E/T ratio after 4 days of culture. The percentage of cells double positive for PKH2 and annexin-V is indicated. (b) The increase in the number of apoptotic K562 cells was dependent on the culture period (E/T ratio = 20 : 1). Both L cells and MCF-7 cells were used as a negative control and SiSo cells acted as a positive control for inducing apoptosis in K562 cells. (c) The RCAS1 concentration in cell supernatants was measured by ELISA. The RCAS1 level in MCF-7/ADAM9 supernatants increased with the culture time, even though MCF-7 cells alone do not shed RCAS1. Mean values of triplicate measurements are shown.