Research Article

A Disintegrin and Metalloproteinase 9 Is Involved in Ectodomain Shedding of Receptor-Binding Cancer Antigen Expressed on SiSo Cells

Figure 3

RCAS1 and ADAM9 expression in cell lines and cancerous tissues. (a) RCAS1 and ADAM9 colocalization was immunocytochemically analyzed in SiSo, MCF-7, ADAM9 siRNA-transfected SiSo, and RCAS1 siRNA-transfected SiSo cells using the Duolink detection kit. The red dots indicate RCAS1 and ADAM9 colocalization. (b) The expression pattern of RCAS1 and ADAM9 is shown in one representative case from cervical and endometrial cancer. Diffuse staining for RCAS1 and ADAM9 was observed both in the cytoplasm and on the cell membrane of the cancer cells.