Research Article

The Role of M1 and M2 Macrophages in Prostate Cancer in relation to Extracapsular Tumor Extension and Biochemical Recurrence after Radical Prostatectomy

Table 3

Univariate (Pearson test, Mann Whitney Test, and -test) and multivariate (Cox proportional hazard model) analysis of common variables to predict BCR.

VariablesUnivariate analysis valueMultivariate analysis
valueRisk ratio95% CI

Preoperative PSANs
Biopsy GS > 70.00090.072.261.1–10.47
Anatomopathological GS > 70.00060.0216.041.44–177.9
Pathological stage0.01470.033.431.09–11.8
Lymphnode invasionNs
Status Ns
Surgical margin statusNs
High density of macrophages M1 and M2 in three hot spots (above median value)–9.67
M1-2 phenotypeNs