Research Article

rs744166 Polymorphism of the STAT3 Gene Is Associated with Risk of Gastric Cancer in a Chinese Population

Table 1

Baseline characteristics of study subjects.

CharacteristicsCases ( )Controls ( ) value*
No. (%)No. (%)

Age (years)0.331
 <60106 (50.7)162 (55.1)
 ≥60103 (49.3)132 (44.9)
 Male158 (75.6)201 (68.4)
 Female51 (24.4)93 (31.6)
BMIa (kg/m2)
 Mean ± SD <0.001
Smoking statusa<0.001
 Never71 (34.1)154 (52.6)
 Ever137 (65.9)139 (47.4)
Alcohol consumption<0.001
 Nondrinkers 85 (40.7)172 (58.5)
 Drinkers124 (59.3)122 (41.5)
Family history of <0.001
 No157 (77.0)280 (95.9)
 Yes47 (23.0)12 (4.1)
TNM stagea
 I14 (7.3)
 II15 (7.8)
 III142 (74.0)
 IV21 (10.9)

BMI: body mass index (weight/height2).
value from two-sample tests and tests.
Missing data: BMI: 7; smoking: 2; family history of cancer: 7; tumor site: 17.
Family history of cancer: gastric, esophageal, liver, colorectal, and other cancers.