Research Article

Effects of Dietary Cholesterol and Its Oxidation Products on Pathological Lesions and Cholesterol and Lipid Oxidation in the Rabbit Liver

Table 2

Effect of dietary cholesterol and cholesterol oxidation products on cholesterol content in liver.

Cholesterol in liver (mg/g)
CHO1 + COPs g/kg diet6 weeks12 weeksSEM

0 g1.123by3.120az0.156
1 g3.231bx16.727aw0.405
2 g17.795bv27.735av0.940
0.9 chol. + 0.1 COPs2.787bx10.737ax0.813
0.8 chol. + 0.2 COPs2.271bxy9.004axy0.714
0.5 chol. + 0.5 COPs2.580bx6.890ay0.948
1.6 chol. + 0.4 COPs11.072bw16.218aw0.894
1.2 chol. + 0.8 COPs10.558w11.665x0.555

Distinct letters within a row indicate significant differences ( ). v,w,x,y, and zDistinct letters within a column indicate significant differences ( ). 1CHO: natural cholesterol; COPs: cholesterol oxidation products.