Research Article

Effects of Dietary Cholesterol and Its Oxidation Products on Pathological Lesions and Cholesterol and Lipid Oxidation in the Rabbit Liver

Table 3

Effect of dietary cholesterol and cholesterol oxidation products on TBARS in liver.

TBARS in liver (MA2 mg/kg)
CHO1 + COPs g/kg diet6 weeks12 weeksSEM

0 g0.564y0.598y0.024
1 g0.691x0.712x0.016
2 g0.736bx0.832aw0.021
0.9 chol. + 0.1 COPs0.745x0.740x0.034
0.8 chol. + 0.2 COPs0.695bx0.833aw0.032
0.5 chol. + 0.5 COPs0.753bx0.858aw0.032
1.6 chol.+ 0.4 COPs0.864w0.874w0.021
1.2 chol. + 0.8 COPs0.968v1.029v0.020

Distinct letters within a row indicate significant differences ( ). v,w,x, and yDistinct letters within a column indicate significant differences ( ). 1CHO: natural cholesterol; COPs: cholesterol oxidation products; 2MA: malonaldehyde.