Research Article

Effects of Dietary Cholesterol and Its Oxidation Products on Pathological Lesions and Cholesterol and Lipid Oxidation in the Rabbit Liver

Table 5

Effect of dietary cholesterol and cholesterol oxidation products on fatty acid composition in liver.

Fatty acid (%)01 g CHO2 g CHO0.9 g CHO + 0.1 g COPs0.8 g CHO + 0.2 g COPs0.5 g CHO + 0.5 g COPs1.6 g CHO + 0.4 g COPs1.2 g CHO + 0.8 g COPsSEM

Myristic acid0d0d0.40c0d0d0d0.63a0.47b0.01
Palmitoleic acid1.10e1.95d2.30bc2.35bc2.40bc2.05cd2.93a2.66ab0.1
Palmitic acid20.46c22.39a20.82c21.37b21.81b21.42b19.27d19.32d0.18
Linoleic acid29.42c27.95d31.41b26.85e27.96d29.42c31.11b32.32a0.31
Oleic acid16.66c20.03b18.62b21.5a19.99b18.95b19.56b18.99b0.36
Linolenic acid2.29b3.34ab3.57a3.44ab3.57a3.78a3.45ab3.58a0.13
Stearic acid22.92a18.18b15.89c18.67b17.80b17.84b15.69c15.56c0.29
Arachidonic acid6.27a5.03c5.63b4.99c5.17c5.11c5.54b5.58b0.12

Distinct letters within a row indicate significant differences ( ). 1CHO: natural cholesterol; COPs: cholesterol oxidation products. 2SFA: saturated fatty acids; USFA: unsaturated fatty acids.