Research Article

A Pilot Study Evaluating the Contribution of SLC19A1 (RFC-1) 80G>A Polymorphism to Alzheimer’s Disease in Italian Caucasians

Table 3

Correlation between RFC-1 80G>A genotypes and biochemical data.

RFC-1 GGRFC-1 GARFC-1 AARFC-1 GA + AA valuea

Total ( )399534129
 Folate (ng/mL, mean SEM) 0.51
 t-hcy ( mol/L, mean SEM) 0.55
 Vit. B12 (pg/mL, mean SEM) 0.63
AD ( )26601878
 Folate (ng/mL, mean SEM) 0.65
 t-hcy ( mol/L, mean SEM) 0.50
 Vit. B12 (pg/mL, mean SEM) 0.70
Controls ( )13351651
 Folate (ng/mL, mean SEM) 0.75
 t-hcy ( mol/L, mean SEM) 0.17
 Vit. B12 (pg/mL, mean SEM) 0.76

value obtained with analysis of covariance using log transformed data and corrected for age and gender.