Research Article

Metabolomic Prediction of Pregnancy Viability in Superovulated Cattle Embryos and Recipients with Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy

Table 2

Day 60 pregnancy and birth predictions on PCA transformed spectra data derived from metabolomic analysis of plasma recovered on Day 0 and Day 7 from recipients prior to transfer on Day 7 of embryos that had been cultured in vitro for 24 h in two laboratories (UNCEIA, France, and UTE-Bos, Spain).

LaboratoryPlasma analyzedPregnancy endpoint PositiveNegative PCAAccuracySensitivitySpecificityAUC

FranceDay 0Day 602515103

FranceDay 7–Day 0Day 602515103<0.6

SpainDay 0Day 602313101

SpainDay 7–Day 0Day 602313103+

France + SpainDay 0Day 604828201+

France + SpainDay 7–Day 0Day 604828203+<0.6

: culture medium or plasma samples analyzed. Positive: samples that correspond to pregnancy/birth. Negative: samples that do not correspond to pregnancy/birth.
: adjustable model parameter of -nearest neighbor classification algorithm.
PCA: principal component analysis (+: applied; −: did not improve the results when applied).
Day 7 plasma alone (not represented) yields <0.6 AUC.