Research Article

HS1,2 Ig Enhancer Alleles Association to AIDS Progression in a Pediatric Cohort Infected with a Monophyletic HIV-Strain

Table 1

Demographic and clinical characteristics of the study groups classified according to clinical progression [18, 19].

PatientsSex (% male)Median age at the first observation (IQR1)Median Nadir %CD4+ (IQR1)HIV viral load
median (range)

Nonprogressors4257.10%5.47 (1.80–10.04)26.1% (24.0–31.0)650 (50–17000)
58.06%3.88 (2.18–6.55)15.1% (11–18)73000 (5280–500000)

IQR: interquartile range.