Research Article

In Vivo Protection against Strychnine Toxicity in Mice by the Glycine Receptor Agonist Ivermectin

Figure 2

Protection against strychnine toxicity by oral ivermectin. (a) Dosage schedule for oral IVM administration. Groups E–G received 1 mg/kg IVM in DMSO (open circles), followed by vehicle injection (DMSO, open squares) after the indicated waiting time, and injection of 2 mg/k strychnine (sold triangles) after another 30 min. Number of animals: E (); F (); G (). (b) Survival rates of groups A–D. The values for statistical significance (Fisher’s one-tailed t-test), relative to control (group A), are given above each column. (c) Time course of survival in groups E–G. Survival curve for control group A (Figure 1(c)), receiving strychnine only, is added.