Research Article

Plastic Changes in the Spinal Cord in Motor Neuron Disease

Figure 9

Calbindin-D28K immunostaining within lamina X. Representative high magnification of calbindin-D28K immunostaining within lamina X of lumbar spinal cord (a). In general, intense calbindin-D28K immunopositivity appears to be localized in the ependymal layer. The cell number counted within lamina X is markedly increased by lithium in both WT and G93A mice (WT Li and G93A Li, resp.). On the other hand, the cell number is reduced in G93A mice administered saline (G93A Sal). This latter effect is particularly evident in the area of lamina X external to the ependymal canal. In this area only pale cell shapes avoided from the count are visible, which explains the very low cell number reported in the histogram (b). In G93A mice the effects of lithium extend the strong immunostaining to the entire lamina X. * compared with other groups. Scale bar = 36 μm.