Research Article

Reduced Amygdala Volume Is Associated with Deficits in Inhibitory Control: A Voxel- and Surface-Based Morphometric Analysis of Comorbid PTSD/Mild TBI

Figure 2

1(a)–1(d) show significant regression from the PTSD/mTBI group, while 2(a)–2(d) show the nonsignificant regression in the control group. 1(a)-2(a) show the relationship between commission errors and left amygdala volume (mm3); 1(b)-2(b) show relationship between impulsivity (subscale of cognitive instability, Barratt Impulsivity Scale) and left amygdala volume (mm3); 1(c)-2(c) show the relationship between cognitive functioning (Shipley 2 Composite A score) and right amygdala volume (mm3); 1(d)-2(d) show the relationship between trauma (Trauma Symptom Inventory subscale of Defensive Avoidance) and right amygdala volume (mm3). 3(a) shows the standardized coefficients for the multiple regression with left amygdala volume (ComErr = commission errors; CogInstab = the cognitive instability subcomponent of the Barratt Impulsivity Scale). 3(b) shows the standardized coefficients for the multiple regression with trauma symptoms (CogInstab = the cognitive instability subcomponent of the Barratt Impulsivity Scale, R Amy = right amygdala volume mm3; Comp A = Shipley 2 Composite A score). The multiple regression with left amygdala volume and multiple regression with trauma symptoms were controlled for whole brain grey matter volume