Clinical Study

Intrapartum Ultrasound Assessment of Fetal Spine Position

Table 1

Data about general maternal foetal features and labour characteristics.

Maternal, fetal, and labour features
VariablesNumberMean (±standard deviation)Range

Maternal age
25631.06 (5.55)17–42
Gestational age
at birth
25639.41 (0.90)39–41
Neonatal birth weight
2563422.81 (389.63)2300–4285
Neonatal length
25649.37 (1.56)46–53
Length of first stage of labour
210*269.88 (128.96)45–595
Length of second stage of labour
210*59.55 (32.96)10–165
Total length of labour
210*329.43 (151.76)60–725

VariablesGroupsNumber (percentage)

ParityNulliparous163 (63.7)
Primiparous66 (25.8)
Multiparous27 (10.5)

Type of labourSpontaneous182 (71.1)
Induced74 (28.9)

Epidural analgesiaYes57 (23.3)
No199 (77.7)

Type of deliverySpontaneous168 ( 65.6)
Operative42 (16.4)
Cesarean section46 (18.0)

Indication for cesarean sectionDystocia13 (5.1)
Non reassuring
Fetal heart rate
33 (12.9)

Data about only patients who delivered through the vaginal route.