Clinical Study

Hip Reconstruction Osteotomy by Ilizarov Method as a Salvage Option for Abnormal Hip Joints

Table 3

Compares our results with other studies.

Our study Marimuthu et al.’s study [13]Mahran et al.’s study [12] Emara’s study [10]EL-Mowafi’s study [2]
Sample size3712291125

(Mean and Range in cm)
6.6 (0–23)1.0 (0–11)5.1 (2.5–6.8) 0.90 (0–3)6.90 (4–11)1.10 (0–3.5)Length gained-4.9 cm5.3 (3–8) 0.00 (0-0)
Range (3–7)
Harris Hip Score
(Mean and Range in cm)
47 (3–78) 87 (72–98)44 (14–73)70 (60–86) 43 (31–50) 71 (65–80) 55 (40–78) 81 (65–90)
ROM Flexion
(Mean and range in degrees)
40.1 (10–100) 120.0 (70–130)88.3 (70–120)70.4 (45–105)87.7 (30–40) 72.2 (30–120)90.0 (80–120)124 (100–140) 90 (40–120)127 (100–140)
ROM Abduction
(Mean and range in degrees)
7.7 (0–30)23.7 (13–30)12.1 (0–25)22.5 (15–35)37.7 (10–70)45.7 (15–75)8.0 (0–15)22.0 (10–30)8.0 (0–15)30.0 (10–50)