Clinical Study

The Effects of Spinal, Inhalation, and Total Intravenous Anesthetic Techniques on Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Arthroscopic Knee Surgery

Table 1

Patients characteristic data and tourniquet duration.

Group I ( )Group S ( )Group T ( ) value

Age (year) 0.131
Height (cm) 0.368
Weight (kg) 74 ± 10 0.401
Sex (M/F) 9/118/1210/100.233
ASA (1/2) 12/811/913/70.291
Tourniquet duration (min) 0.434

Patients characteristic and surgical data are mean ± SD or number of patients: Group I: ınhalation, Group S: spinal, and Group T: total intravenous anesthesia group.