Research Article

Epidemiology of Hospitalized Traumatic Pelvic Fractures and Their Combined Injuries in Taiwan: 2000–2011 National Health Insurance Data Surveillance

Table 1

Definitions of 20 categories of injuries combined with pelvic fractures*.

GroupICD9-CM codesDescription

Fracture of skull (intracranial injury)
2805–809**Fracture of spine and trunk
3810–819Fracture of upper limb
4820–829Fracture of lower limb
6840–848Sprains and strains of joints and adjacent muscles
7860–862Internal injury of chest
8863–869Internal injury of abdomen and pelvis
9870–879Open wound of head, neck, and trunk
10880–887Open wound of upper limb
11890–897Open wound of lower limb
12900–904Injury to blood vessels
13905–909Late effects of injuries and other external causes
14910–919Superficial injury
15920–924Contusion with intact skin surface
16925–929Crush injuries
17930–939Effects of foreign body entering through orifice
19950–957Injury to nerves and spinal cord
20958-959Certain traumatic complications and unspecified injuries

Pelvic fracture series (ICD9-CM coded as 808.X).
Group 2 associated injuries excluded pelvic fracture series.