Research Article

Impact of Seasons and Dioecy on Therapeutic Phytoconstituents of Tinospora cordifolia, a Rasayana Drug

Figure 3

HPTLC fingerprint profile of methanolic extracts of male and female stem of Tinospora cordifolia collected in different seasons along with biomarkers, tinosporaside and berberine. a, c, e, g, i: male samples; b, d, f, h, j: female samples (a-b: collected in January; c-d: collected in April; e-f: collected in June; g-h: collected in August; i-j: collected in October); Ber: berberine; Tin: tinosporaside. (a) Documentation under UV 366 nm and (b) documentation under visible light after derivatization with anisaldehyde sulphuric acid reagent.