Research Article

Cytoskeleton Modifications and Autophagy Induction in TCam-2 Seminoma Cells Exposed to Simulated Microgravity

Figure 1

RPM exposure does not influence TCam-2 cell proliferation. (a) Graphical representation of the percentage of proliferating cells (p-histone H3 positive cells) at 24 and 48 hours of culture. No differences were observed between TCam-2 cells cultured at 1 g or in RPM culture conditions. Data are expressed as the mean ± SEM. Same letters indicate no statistical difference. Different letters indicate . (b) Representative images of TCam-2 cells cultured for 24 hours at 1 g (I) and in RPM condition (II) after p-histone H3 immunofluorescence. Bar, 50 μm.