Research Article

Pediatric Index of Mortality and PIM2 Scores Have Good Calibration in a Large Cohort of Children from a Developing Country

Table 2

Calibration across deciles of risk and standardized mortality ratios for the two scores.

ModelProbability of death across 10 risk groupsDeaths across deciles of riskHosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit testStandardized Mortality Ratio (95% CI)
Observed Expected Chi-square value

PIM 11.10.201 (0.88–1.13)
 Group 10.14159.4
 Group 20.161412
 Group 30.17613.4
 Group 40.191314.8
 Group 50.211816.4
 Group 60.241618.6
 Group 70.302322.2
 Group 80.403329.2
 Group 90.563638.3
 Group 100.965857.8
PIM 2120.160.99 (0.87–1.12)
 Group 10.13148.3
 Group 20.151011.7
 Group 30.17712.8
 Group 40.181314.3
 Group 50.211515.9
 Group 60.251718.8
 Group 70.322722.9
 Group 80.402729.4
 Group 90.584538.4
 Group 100.945759.4

PIM: Pediatric Index of Mortality; CI: confidence interval.