Research Article

biomvRhsmm: Genomic Segmentation with Hidden Semi-Markov Model

Box 1

Code chunk.
# model run
> rhsmm <- biomvRhsmm(x=variosm, maxbp=100, prior.m=cluster, maxgap=100)
> hiDiffgr <- rhsmm@res[mcols(rhsmm@res)[,STATE]!=2
   & mcols(rhsmm@res)[,SAMPLE]==meth.diff]
# check for direction of changes
> dirNo <- mcols(hiDiffgr)[,STATE]==1’& mcols(hiDiffgr)[,AVG]>0
   mcols(hiDiffgr)[,STATE]==3  & mcols(hiDiffgr)[,AVG]<0
> hiDiffgr <- hiDiffgr[!dirNo]
# locating low p.val regions
> loPgr <- rhsmm@res[mcols(rhsmm@res)[,STATE]==1
     & mcols(rhsmm@res)[,SAMPLE]==p.val]
# find common high difference and low p.val regions
> DMRs <- intersect(hiDiffgr, loPgr)
> idx <-  findOverlaps(variosm, DMRs, type=within)
> mcols(DMRs)  <-  DataFrame(cbind(TYPE=DMR, aggregate([idx@queryHits])),
   by=list(DMR=idx@subjectHits), FUN=median)[,−1 ]))
> names(DMRs)  <-  paste0(DMRs, seq_along(DMRs))
GRanges with 5 ranges and 3 metadata columns:
Seqnames     Ranges Strand     TYPE   meth.diff    p.val
<Rle>    <IRanges>  <Rle>   <factor>  <numeric>   <numeric>
DMRs1  chr1 [875227, 875470]   *  DMR  0.31947418   6.677193e−06
DMRs2 chr1 [876807, 876958]   *   DMR  −0.06108219    6.500328e−02
DMRs3 chr1 [877684, 877738]  *   DMR  −0.06123008    2.844639e−02
DMRs4 chr2 [46126, 46280]   *   DMR  0.41008524   1.818530e−07
DMRs5 chr2 [46389, 46558]   *   DMR  0.44823172   1.890819e−06
- - -
chr1 chr2
> plot (rhsmm, gmgr=DMRs)