Review Article

Helminth Parasites Alter Protection against Plasmodium Infection

Table 3

Human studies of coinfection. ARF: acute renal failure, MSM: moderately severe malaria, S: Schistosoma, A: Ascaris, and T: Trichuris.

Study areaAge of group Sample (size)Study designHelminth typeOutcome for malaria diseases in coinfectionRef.

Children178Over a 2-year  
followup period
S. haematobium Children with a light S. haematobium infection presented lower P. falciparum parasite densities than children not infected by S. haematobium [112]
(Tieneguebougou and Bougoudiana)
Children and young adults62 Followed prospectively through a malaria 
transmission season
Wuchereria bancrofti
Mansonella perstans
Pre-existent filarial infection attenuates immune responses associated with severe malaria and protects against anemia, but has little effect on susceptibility to or severity of acute malaria infection[113]
1 to 82 years 
18.6 years
1,065 febrile patientsCross-sectional A. lumbricoides
T.trichiura, S. mansoni, and hookworm
The chance of developing non-severe malaria were 2.6–3.3 times higher in individuals infected with helminth, compared to intestinal helminth-free individuals 
The odds ratio for being infected with non-severe P. falciparum increased with the number of intestinal helminth species
Côte d’Ivoire
(6–23 months),  
(6–8 year), and young women 
(15–25 years)
732 subjectsCross-sectional surveySoil-transmitted helminthCoinfected children had lower odds of anemia and iron deficiency.  
Interaction between P. falciparum and light-intensity hookworm infections vary with age.
Brasil (Careiro)School children  
5 to 14 years
236 Cohort and cross-sectionalA. lumbricoides
hookworm and T. trichiura
Helminthes protect against hemoglobin decrease during an acute malarial attack by Plasmodium. [116]
Mean 24 years (range 
537 files Retrospective case-controlA. lumbricoides Percentage protection for mild controls against cerebral malaria ranged from 40% for Ascaris (present/absent) to 70% for Ascaris medium infection. For intermediate controls protection against cerebral malaria was 75% for Ascaris (present/absent).[117]
19–37 years 
22 patients with malaria-associated ARF and 157 patients with MSM
179Retrospective case-control A. lumbricoides, T. trichiura, hookworm, and Strongyloides
Helminths were associated with protection from renal failure 
Helminth-infected controls were less likely to have jaundice or to have peripheral mature schizonts than controls without helminths


Study areaAge of group Sample (size)Study designHelminth typeOutcome for malaria diseases in coinfectionRef.

Kenya (Kingwede)8 years and older561cross-sectionalS. haematobium Children had 9.3 times the odds of coinfection 
compared to adults
preschool children 
(6–59 months)
690Double-blind and randomizedA. lumbricoides There was no significant difference in the severity of anaemia. [120]
All ages (856)856Retrospective;
18 months
A. lumbricoides, T. trichiura, and hookwormNon evidence for an association and risk of malaria[121]


Study areaAge of group Sample (size)Study designHelminth typeOutcome for malaria diseases in coinfectionRef.

Senegal (Niakhar and Bambey) Children, mean 6.6 years105Prospective case-controlA. lumbricoides Prevalence of A. lumbricoides infection was higher in cases of severe malaria[123]
Children aged 6–15 years512CohortS. mansoni The incidence rate of malaria attacks was higher among S. mansoni-infected individuals carrying the highest worm loads. In contrast, the rate of malaria attacks were lower in medium grade S. mansoni infections[124]
(15–48 years)  
mean 26.8 years
746Cross-sectionalA. lumbricoides, T. trichiura, S. stercoralis, and E. vermicularis Coinfection resulted in increased risks of anemia, low birth weight, and small for gestational age infants[125]
(Alaba Kulito)
Children <5 years, children 5–14 years, and adults ≥15 years 1802 acute febrile patientscase-controlHookworm,
A. lumbricoides, and T. trichiura
Coinfection is associated with higher anaemia prevalence and low weight status than single infection with Plasmodium in children[126]
Primary school children 
4–17 years
(221 and 228)Cross-sectionalS. mansoni Hepatosplenomegaly due to proinflammatory mechanism exacerbated by schistosomiasis [127]
Kenya (Mangalete)Children 
4–17 years
79Cross-sectionalS. mansoni Hepatosplenomegaly is associated with low regulatory and Th2 response to Schistosome antigens[128]
Zimbabwe (Burma Valley)Children 6–17 years605 12-month followup of a cohort of childrenSchistosomeIncreased prevalence of malaria parasites and had higher sexual stage malaria parasite in children coinfected with schistosomiasis[129]
9 months to 14 years425 childrenA. lumbricoides, 
T. trichiura, and hookworm
Coinfections in which heavy helminth loads showed high P. falciparum parasite loads compared with coinfections involving light helminth burden[130]