Research Article

Modelling Arterial Pressure Waveforms Using Gaussian Functions and Two-Stage Particle Swarm Optimizer

Table 3

Statistical results of the computation time from 20 volunteers with different target MAEs for the four methods.

MAE (%)CAPW (s)RAPW (s)

4Inf. Inf.
3Inf. Inf.
2Inf. Inf.
1.5Inf.Inf. Inf.Inf.

Data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD) or as symbol “Inf.” “Inf.” indicates that the method could not achieve the target MAE even with the extremely large max_FEs (100000). MAE: mean absolute error; CAPW: carotid artery pressure waveforms; RAPW: radial artery pressure waveforms.
There is statistically significant difference when compared with TSPSO ( ).