Research Article

Developmental Stage-Specific Regulation of the Circadian Clock by Temperature in Zebrafish

Figure 3

Clock entrainment by temperature cycles is dependent on the developmental stage. ((a)–(c)) Mean values of bioluminescence profiles of transgenic embryos raised under 4°C temperature cycles (23–27°C) for (a) 1 day (0–24 hpf), (b) 2 days (24–48 hpf), or (c) 3 days (48–72 hpf) and then monitored for 5 days at a constant 25°C. (d) Mean values of bioluminescence profiles of transgenic embryos raised at a constant 25°C for the first two days of development (0–48 hpf) and then subjected to a single 4°C temperature cycle (23–27°C) during the third day (48–72 hpf) before monitoring for three days at 25°C. In each panel, standard deviation of bioluminescence measurements between animals is plotted as grey vertical lines above each point. Each panel shows the mean values of 96 larvae (1 × 96 multiwell plate).