Research Article

Genetic Polymorphisms in Glutathione (GSH-) Related Genes Affect the Plasmatic Hg/Whole Blood Hg Partitioning and the Distribution between Inorganic and Methylmercury Levels in Plasma Collected from a Fish-Eating Population

Table 3

Correlations (Spearman’s; ) between age, gender, body mass index (BMI), alcohol consumption, smoking, total Hg in blood (THgB) and total Hg, methylmercury, and inorganic Hg in plasma (THgP, MeHgP, and IHgP, resp.).

AgeGenderBMIFish intakeAlcoholSmokingTHgBTHgPTHgP/THgBMeHgPIHgP

Age 0.18 0.059
Gendera 0.051 0.19 0.130.057
BMI0.180.051 0.120.022 0.00900.071 0.12
Fish intakeb 0.12 0.200.21
Alcohol 0.0860.170.0960.041
Smoking 0.022 0.16
THgB 0.20
THgP 0.00900.210.086 0.040
THgP/THgB 0.130.071 0.17 0.040 0.11
MeHgP0.0590.057 0.096
IHgP 0.12 0.041 0.11

Female was considered as reference. Fisk intake ranged from one to four portions per day.
Statistically significant ; statistically significant .