Research Article

Prolonged Nitric Oxide Exposure Enhances Anoikis Resistance and Migration through Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and Caveolin-1 Upregulation

Figure 5

Nitric oxide mediated epithelial-mesenchymal transition via Cav-1-independent mechanism.Stable Cav-1 knock-down (ShCav-1) cells were established as indicated in Section 2. (a) The expression level of Cav-1 protein in the control H23 and ShCav-1 cells was determined by western blotting. (b) The ShRNA-Cav-1 cells were exposed to NO donor for 14 days, and the expression of vimentin and snail was determined. The immunoblot signals of vimentin and snail were quantified by densitometry. The data are the mean S.D. . versus the nontreated control.