Research Article

Endometrial Receptivity Profile in Patients with Premature Progesterone Elevation on the Day of hCG Administration

Table 2

Patients’ clinical characteristics on the day of hCG administration and pregnancy outcome.

[P] <1.5 ng/mL ( )[P] >1.5 ng/mL ( ) value

Age (years) NS
[P] (ng/mL) <0.001
E2 (pg/mL) NS
LH (mIU/mL) NS
Total FSH dose (IU) NS
Number of retrieved oocytes NS
Pregnancy (%)*28.6 12.5NS

Data are the mean ± SEM. NS: nonsignificant. According to the serum -human chorionic gonadotrophin measured 16 days after embryo transfer.