Clinical Study

Clinicopathological Factors Affecting Survival and Recurrence after Initial Hepatectomy in Non-B Non-C Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients with Comparison to Hepatitis B or C Virus

Table 2

Intraoperative, pathological and postoperative factors.

 B ( )C ( )NBNC ( ) value

≧2 sentionectomy13 (40.6%)17 (18.3%)32 (42.1%)0.002
Operative Time (min.)352 (177–658)333 (135–750)367 (173–983)0.142
Blood loss (g)1137 (38–8488)1182 (5–8307)1226 (200–36000)0.590
Curability R027 (84.4%)88 (94.6%)70 (92.1%)0.181
Simple nodular type12 (37.5%)54 (58.1%)30 (39.5%)0.025
Poorly differentiated6 (18.8%)14 (15.1%)6 (7.9%)0.218
fc(+)24 (75.0%)63 (67.7%)44 (57.9%)0.182
vp(+)17 (53.1%)24 (25.8%)28 (36.8%)0.016
vv(+)5 (15.6%)4 (4.3%)7 (9.2%)0.109
im(+)6 (18.8%)7 (7.5%)7 (9.2%)0.181
Non-cancerous liver NL1 (3.1%)1 (1.1%)23 (30.3%)<0.001
CH17 (53.1%)44 (47.3%)29 (38.2%)0.288
LC14 (43.8%)48 (51.6%)23 (30.3%)0.020
Clavien-Dindo ≧ III5 (15.6%)19 (20.4%)12 (15.8%)0.688
PHLF B/C7 (21.9%)28 (30.1%)18 (23.7%)0.526
90-day mortality4 (12.5%)6 (6.5%)6 (7.9%)0.552
Intrahepatic recurrence13 (40.6%)47 (50.5%)25 (32.9%)0.068
Extrahepatic recurrence7 (21.9%)8 (8.6%)7 (9.2%)0.096

fc: formation of capsule; vp: microscopic portal vein invasion; vv: microscopic hepatic vein invasion; im: intrahepatic metastasis; NL: normal liver; CH: chronic hepatitis; LC: liver cirrhosis; PHLF: posthepatectomy liver failure.