Research Article

Intervention Mapping to Adapt Evidence-Based Interventions for Use in Practice: Increasing Mammography among African American Women

Table 1

Adaptation “to do list” for telephone counseling program.

Breast Cancer Screening Among Nonadherent Women

Fit category Adaptation ideas

Behaviors from logic model of change
Adherence to mammography
Change behavior to “appointment keeping” rather than general mammogram

Environmental conditions from logic model of change No change

Change methods (with determinants) for at risk group:  
Information dissemination (barriers) 
Staging (but does not seem closely related to change methods beyond information)
Role modeling: quotations from women in the community regarding barriers 
Problem solving: regarding logistical barriers 
Information dissemination: correcting misinformation 
Persuasion: by culturally congruent navigator  
Message matching to stage of change: initial message to either preparation/action or precontemplation/contemplation

Change methods (with determinants) for environmental agentsNot applicable

Delivery for components, at risk group: 
Telephone counseling call. Note: does not have conversational structure comfortable for navigators to implement
Change staging question and scripts to be less research oriented and more “real-world” navigator approach 
Develop an active listening framework for barrier scripts  
Retain staging but with only two classifications (precontemplation/contemplation; preparation/action) 
Editing for local idiom (ways of speaking of breast cancer and barriers)

List delivery for components, environmental agentsNot applicable

List design features and cultural relevance
Barriers are general and information-based
Add barriers described by local women: perceived likelihood of no cancer; expectation that God will protect against cancer; no money for treatment; becoming less than a woman with the loss of a breast; fear of losing partner; cancer being a death sentence; time only for caring for others
Logistics: no time off work; no transportation; responsibilities caring for a child or others; money/lack of awareness of programs that can pay for breast cancer treatment

Describe implementation plan
Research-based; elaborate staging; unclear how script changes based on staging; unclear transition between one barrier and the next
Add script with conversational transitions 
Add local barriers 
Simplify stages 
Match script to stage