Clinical Study

Clinical Performance and Safety of 108 SpineJack Implantations: 1-Year Results of a Prospective Multicentre Single-Arm Registry Study

Table 3

Absolute changes (cm) and relative (%) changes in VAS score.

Traumatic VCF with osteoporosisTraumatic VCFTotal

48 h versus baseline

Mean (SD) absolute changes−5.5 (1.9)−5.1 (2.9)−5.2 (2.7)
Median absolute changes−5.7−6.1−6.0
Within-group test<.001 (Student)<.001 (Wilcoxon)<.001 (Wilcoxon)
Median relative changes−81.0−81.8−81.5

3 months versus baseline

Mean (SD) absolute changes−5.5 (2.7)−5.3 (3.0)−5.3 (2.9)
Median absolute changes−6.2−6.0−6.0
Within-group test<.001 (Student)<.001 (Wilcoxon)<.001 (Wilcoxon)
Median relative changes−90.0−88.0−88.0

12 months versus baseline

Mean (SD) absolute changes−5.7 (2.3)−5.5 (3.0)−5.5 (2.9)
Median absolute changes−5.2−6.3−5.8
Within-group test<.001 (Student)<.001 (Wilcoxon)<.001 (Wilcoxon)
Median relative changes−90.3−92.2−91.5