Research Article

Functional Outcomes: One Year after a Cardiac Arrest

Table 3

Effect size (Cohen’s d) over time for multiple measures.

Measure (score range)Chart review, 1 month1 month–6 months6 months–12 months 1 month–12 months

CPC (1–5)a0.210.730.210.86
mRS (0–6)a0.170.840.000.86
GOSE (0–8)b2010.050.180.11
HUI-3 (0-1)b0.430.190.26
GDS (0–30)a0.290.190.19
ALFI-MMSE (0–22)b0.090.130.24
TICS (0–41)a0.230.250.05
PASS-SR Habit (0–3)b0.280.150.54
PASS-SR Skill (0–3)b0.620.470.76
RNLI (0–21)b0.390.590.79

Note: CPC = Cerebral Performance Category; mRS = Modified Rankin Scale; HUI-3 = Health Utilities Index, Mark 3; GDS = Geriatric Depression Scale; ALFI-MMSE = Adult Lifestyle and Function Interview-Mini Mental State Examination; TICS = Telephone Interview of Cognitive Status; GOSE = Glasgow Outcome Scale Extended; RNLI = Reintegration to Normal Living Index; PASS-SR Habit = Performance Assessment of Self-Care Skills Self-report Habit; PASS-SR Skill = Performance Assessment of Self-Care Skills Self-Report Skill.
a: higher scores indicate greater impairment/disability. b: lower scores indicate greater impairment/disability.