Research Article

Measurement of Liver Iron Concentration by MRI Is Reproducible

Figure 3

Relationship between liver-to-muscle signal intensity ratio (SIR) and liver iron concentration (LIC) for 112 patients. SIRs of the phantom for moderate (A1-B1) and for high iron overload (A2-B2) in the two sequences of the method have also been included in the graph. (a) IW sequence (TR/TE/Flip 120/4/20°); (b) T2 sequence (TR/TE/Flip 120/14/20°). The values ​​A1 and B1 correspond to the same LIC value in each of the two sequences: 62 μmol Fe/g and they maintain the same correlation SIR/LIC as patients in the two sequences. The same applies to ​​A2 and B2 values for high iron overload, with a value of LIC of μmol Fe/g in both sequences.