Research Article

The Construct and Measurement of Perceived Risk of Nonremunerated Blood Donation: Evidence from the Chinese Public

Table 2

Results of selective coding.

Core categoriesSubcategoriesInitial concepts

Trust risk(1) Fear of blood waste in the process of usageA2-1 When used in hospital, blood is wasted; A2-2 Too much blood transfusion for patients.
(2) Fear of blood waste in the process of storageA12-17 Too much blood is wasted because of improper storage; A11-7 Blood waste because of bad storage conditions.
(3) Afraid of unprofessional nursesA2-4 The nurses are not professional; A3-5 The nurses are lack of experience.
(4) Fear of using blood to make profit A1-10 Blood is sold to make profit; A1-11 Charge patients high price to make profit.
(5) Afraid of excess of blood collectionA2-7 The staff of blood bank urges me to donate more blood; A3-8 Weigh blood inaccurately.
(6) Fear of blood for other purposesA5-9 Blood is used for experiment; A4-2 Blood is sold to blood products companies.
(7) Fear of expensive blood for usageA1-12 The fees of blood transfusion is too high, but blood collection is zero cost.
(8) Fear of bad service attitudeA2-6 The staff is not hospitable; A3-7 The staff is too impatient to answer my questions.
(9) Fear of complicated preferential blood usage procedure A2-8 The usage procedure of blood is too complicated; A3-10 The usage procedure of blood in other places is more complex.
(10) Suspicion about sterility of blood collection equipmentA5-16 Blood collection agencies use shoddy blood collection equipment to save cost; A7-2 The needle is reused.
(11) Privacy disclosureA3-6 Before blood donation private information is required to fill out, which can be disclosed; A4-5 It is boring to receive the messages from blood bank frequently.
(12) The demand of blood is not really urgentA9-6 Exaggerating the demand; A5-12 Appeals for blood donation is exaggerated.
(13) Blood collection agencies cannot be trustedA11-12 Blood collection agencies are not nonprofit; A6-13 Blood collection agencies cannot use productively blood.

Psychological risk(14) Depressing clinical settingA3-1 The atmosphere in the blood donation vehicle is very depressing.
(15) Feeling painA3-11 I see needle and feel pain; A2-11 When I thought of drawing blood, I feel pain.
(16) Feeling nervousA3-9 I see red blood and feel nervous; A4-8 I am nervous because of bad mental quality.
(17) Wasting timeA3-12 I have no time to donate blood; A4-7 It takes me too much time to donate blood.
(18) Fearing physical examination before blood donationA4-8 Screening test is unpleasant; A8-19 Physical examination is ominous.
(19) Fear of opposition from her parentsA3-16 My parents think blood donation has negative impact on health; A9-22 My parent has attempted to stop me from donation.
(20) Friends had bad experienceA10-11 My friend has told me donation is painful. A14-17 My friend has told me donation weakens health.
(21) Afraid of seeing needleA21-3 Dislike of needles; A17-8 The pain associated with needle.
(22) Fear of discovering illnessA18-9 Fear of being revealing illness; A13-22 Discovering disease is heartbreaking.
(23) Not having enough blood for donationA19-11 My body is too small to donate; A17-10 Total blood volume is too small to donate.
(24) Spend money in regaining healthA12-11 Spending money to supplement nutrients after donation.
(25) Spend time in regaining healthA12-21 No time to regain health after donation; A18-13 Spending too much time to recover health.
(26) Afraid of seeing bloodA17-16 A dislike of the sight of blood; A19-3 The sight of blood is ominous.
(27) A dislike of trouble from inconvenient donation locationA18-7 I live far from the location of the blood donation center.
(28) Feeling unbalance because of paid usage but unpaid donationA12-8 Hard to understand blood usage is charged but unpaid donation; A9-7 It is unpleasant to be charged for blood usage.

Health risk(29) Infection resulting from unsanitary equipmentA1-6 Catching infectious diseases because of the unsanitary blood collection equipment; A6-17 Contagion from unclean equipment.
(30) Infection resulting from unsanitary environmentA1-19 Infection because of unclean the seat of blood donation vehicle; A9-12 Infection because of unsterilized donation site.
(31) Infection resulting from shoddy equipmentA8-12 Using shoddy equipment result in infection; A1-23 Using low quality equipment lead to infection.
(32) Infection resulting from improper disposalA2-20 Infection resulting from improper disposal of pinhole after blood donation; A9-12 Lack of scientific guidelines after donation.
(33) Simple examination before blood donationA6-9 Simple examination cannot judge whether I am a qualified donor; A 9-10 Simple examination cannot guarantee my health.
(34) Long-term consequence to healthA7-11 Having a negative impact on resistance to disease; A9-19 Body cannot recovery after donation.
(35) Afraid of getting AIDSA23-3 Blood donation may get AIDS; A13-16 Getting ADIS because of reused needle.
(36) Wrong blood cross matchingA5-3 Wrong blood cross-matching cause life-threatening emergency.
(37) Fear of being injured by the needleA11-2 The pinhole is hard to heal up; A8-6 The needles is too thick, and must injury me.
(38) Experiencing adverse symptoms after blood donationA3-13 Feeling sleepy after blood donation; A4-13 Having a dull reaction after blood donation; A5-6 getting fat after blood donation.
(39) Afraid of feeling dizzy in the process of blood donationA11-1 I may feel dizzy in the process of blood donation; A8-7 Feeling dizzy because of my weak body.