Research Article

The Relation between Nonverbal IQ and Postoperative CI Outcomes in Cochlear Implant Users: Preliminary Result

Table 2

The subsets of Korean Educational Development Institute-Wechsler.

Verbal IQ

InformationA consecutive of orally presented questions that tap the child’s general knowledge.
SimilaritiesA consecutive of orally presented of questions that ask how two words are alike or similar.
ArithmeticA consecutive of arithmetic questions which the child solves mentally and gives answers.
VocabularyA consecutive of requirements that the child is asked to define a provided word.
ComprehensionA consecutive of questions about social situations or common concepts.

Performance IQ

Picture completionA series of pictures with a missing part, and the child is asked to identify the missing part by pointing and/or naming.
Picture arrangementA series of pictures presented in an incorrect order, and the child is asked to place in the correct order to tell a story that makes sense.
Block designA series of printed geometric pattern, and the child is asked to duplicate using red-and-white blocks.
Object assemblyA series of fragments of common objects, each presented in a standardized shape, and the child is asked to assemble to form a meaningful whole.
CodingA series of simple shapes, each paired with a code. The child asked to draw the shape in its corresponding code.