Review Article

Effectiveness of Hyaluronic Acid Administration in Treating Adhesive Capsulitis of the Shoulder: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials

Table 1

Detailed reasons for exclusion of individual studies.

AuthorYearReasons for exclusion

Leardini et al. [16]1988Non-RCT (prospective uncontrolled study)
Mixed diagnosis in the experimental group (OA, Duplay’s disease, combined OA and Duplay’s disease)
Follow-up duration shorter than 1 month (11 days)

Itokazu and Matsunaga [17]1995Non-RCT (prospective uncontrolled study)
Mixed diagnosis in the experimental group (subacromial bursitis, tendinitis, and capsulitis)
Duration of symptoms shorter than 1 month in some subjects

Tamai and Yamato [15]1997Non-RCT (observational study)

Tamai et al. [18]1999Follow-up duration shorter than 1 month (7 days)
Primary intention was not treatment of AC
Participants in the AC group were the same as Tamai et al., 2004 [8]

Tamai et al. [8]2004Non-RCT (prospective uncontrolled study)
Follow-up duration shorter than 1 month (1 week)
Primary intention was not treatment of AC

Blaine et al. [19]2008Mixed diagnosis in the experimental group (OA, rotator cuff tear, and/or AC)

Lee et al. [20]2009Combined treatment (triamcinolone and hyaluronic acid injections)
Primary intention was comparison of injection guidance

AC: adhesive capsulitis; OA: osteoarthritis; RCT: randomized controlled trial.