Research Article

Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms of the GJB2 and GJB6 Genes Are Associated with Autosomal Recessive Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss

Table 1

Summary of selected SNPs.

Geners numberPositionSNP typeMAF

GJB2 rs37513853′ UTRC/TT = 0.360
rs7994748IntronC/TC = 0.481
rs73298573′ UTRC/TT = 0.079
rs7987302DownstreamG/AA = 0.098

GJB6 rs7322538DownstreamG/AA = 0.214
rs9315400IntronC/TT = 0.362
rs877098IntronC/TT = 0.429
rs945369IntronA/CC = 0.352
rs73332143′ UTRT/GT = 0.302

rs number, NCBI reference SNP (rs) number, is an identification tag assigned by NCBI to SNPs [36]. MAF (ref): minor allele frequency information from public database, NCBI dbSNP Build 132; MAF ≥ 0.05.