Research Article

Cardiovascular Diseases and Women: Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior in the General Population in Italy

Table 1

Self-reported characteristics and health status of participants in the study.


Age (years) 38 ± 6.1 (21–67)*
Body mass index (BMI) 25.1 ± 4.5 (16.8–52.7)*
 Obese 10913
Marital status
Educational level
 No formal education, elementary or middle school23628.6
 High school43352.6
 College degree or higher15518.8
Number of children
Personal history of CVDs
 Yes 91.1
Personal history of hypertension
 Yes 698.3
Personal history of diabetes mellitus
Personal history of high cholesterol levels
 Yes 334
Hormone replacement therapy
Self-perceived health status 7.4 ± 1.9 (1–10)*

Number for each item may not add up to total number of study population due to missing value.
*Mean ± standard deviation (range).
Cardiovascular diseases.
Only for women who have already reached menopause.