Review Article

CCAAT/Enhancer Binding Protein β in relation to ER Stress, Inflammation, and Metabolic Disturbances

Table 2

The involvement of C/EBP-β in metabolic processes.

Metabolic processInvolvement of C/EBP-βC/EBP-β knockoutC/EBP-β overexpression

Adipose tissue development, white and brownWhite adipocyte differentiation and maturation (also role for C/EBP-α)Decreased body fat content
Brown adipocyte activity and developmentElevated gene expression in brown adipose tissue β-oxidation

Leptin productionBinding possibility on leptin promoterDecreased leptin production (possibly fat mass related)

Glucose and insulin metabolismHigh insulin = low C/EBP-βIncreased insulin production after hepatic knockdown
Low C/EBP-β = High insulinUnchanged insulin production after C/EBP-β deletion
Accumulation of C/EBP-β induces diabetes via
ER stress induction
Increased insulin sensitivity
Maintenance of plasma glucose levelsHypoglycemia
C/EBP binding site in GLUT-4 promoterDecreased hepatic glucose production
Decreased cAMP

Triacylglycerol metabolismInfluencing lipogenic enzyme activityReduced plasma free fatty acid concentrations
Hepatic steatosis-NASHInfluencing the amount of hepatic TAGDecreased lipogenic enzyme activity
Decreased hepatic TAG
Protected from steatosis, decreased NASH developmentIncreased steatosis

ER stressAccumulation of C/EBP-β induces diabetes via ER stress LIP isoform increased cell death
C/EBP-β is increased during ER stressLAP isoform decreased cell death
High LIP promotes cell death
LIP lowers prosurvival ATF-4 targets
In early ER stress response LAP production higher
In early ER stress response LIP production higher

InflammationC/EBP-β activates inflammatory responseDefects in immune response, impaired macrophage activationActivation of the immune response
LIP isoform induces inflammationDecreased high fat induced inflammation

HDL particle productionC/EBP-β has binding place in apoA-I promoterC/EBP no central role in expression of the apoA-I gene