Research Article

Predicting Drug-Target Interactions via Within-Score and Between-Score

Figure 2

The distributions between known interactions (four types of motifs) and unapproved drug-target pairs. All histograms were generated by sorting scores into specific bins from 0.35 to 1.1. The -axis in each histogram represents the bins with the intervals of 0.02. The -axis denotes their heights which are the normalized counts (probabilities) of scores in corresponding bins. The histograms of multiple, drug-centered, target-centered, and single motifs are shown with purple, red, green, and yellow in (a), (b), (c), and (d), respectively. All histograms of unapproved drug-target pairs are rendered with cyan in all subfigures. The color of overlapping parts of two histograms in each subfigure is just the sum of their individual colors.
(a) Multiple motifs
(b) Drug-centered motifs
(c) Target-centered motifs
(d) Single motifs